


Worldwide Network

We’ve established an extensive network and strong partnerships with carefully chosen and reputable suppliers across strategic geographical regions.

Global Presence

we have employees in the United States, Mexico, Taiwan, China and more than 10 countries in Europe

International Expertise

We keep up with global trends and market conditions, we are well versed in a variety of industries, cultural differences and have over two decades of experience in internationalization.

Quality Assured

we apply the disciplines of Lean and Six Sigma to improve our global supply chain and reduce costs, achieve just-in-time delivery and shorten lead times.

Multilingual Team

With offices and representatives around the globe, we speak Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Lithuanian and English, and can work with most other languages.


eStock Projects GmbH

UID: ATU72457227
Firmenbuchnummer:  FN 432814 t
Adresse: Grenzgasse 111/1/9, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf, Österreich |
Telefon:  +43 660 888 58 98
Geschäftsführerin: Frau Lubov Kobrynska

Gerichtsstand: Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt
Gesellschaftsanteile: Herr Serge Kobrynski 75%, Frau Maria Kobrynska 25%.
Behörde gem. ECG (E-Commerce Gesetz): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Mödling
Hinweis auf anwendbare gewerbe- oder berufsrechtliche Vorschriften:
Österreichische Gewerbeordnung